By - Baz Kershaw and Tony Coult, Methuen, 1983, revised 1990
A book to get thumbmarks and glue on, it explains the basic techniques of Welfare State International's work - the making of processions; large scale puppets; fixed structures; fire and ice technology; processional, theatre and dance music, celebratory food and feasts and much more.
Chapter Headings
1 One Foot on the Ground, One Foot Moving(An introduction to the work of Welfare State International)
2 Commissions and Audiences(How Welfare State's events are commissioned, conceived and carried out)
3 Street and Outdoor Performance and Music
4 Core Techniques(A visual manual of Making Techniques regularly used by Welfare State artists)
5 Events(Descriptions of three representative Welfare State events)
6 The Tips of a Thousand Icebergs
7 Techniques of Survival - Statements of Hope
8 Appendices